[2024 ULF] Ilford Delta 100 Film

[2024 ULF] Ilford Delta 100 Film

from £105.00

The Ilford ULF 2024 order window closed on the 1st June 2024


Thank you to all those who placed an order and expressed interest. 

I will be participating in Ilford's ULF 2025 campaign so be sure to sign up for my newsletter (bottom of this page) for notification of the launch, or get in touch if you have any questions. 

This page is left up for reference purposes.

Ilford Delta 100 Professional ULF Sheet Film

Delta 100 Professional - ISO 100, medium speed, exceptionally fine grain, black & white film. Ideal for uncompromising image makers who want to capture maximum detail and sharpness. Superb image quality. Core-Shell™ crystal technology. Wide exposure latitude. Delta 100 Professional Technical Information.

Click here for FP4+ ULF | Click here for HP5+ ULF

I am proud to be participating in the 2024 Ilford ULF Sheet Film Campaign. This is the 19th year in a row that Ilford have offered unusual and ultra large film formats through this special order.

Simply purchase your selected film(s) before 1st June* and they will be despatched as soon as Ilford deliver to me (from September**).


There is no minimum order. This means you can mix and match formats and types.


There is no personal minimum order, however there is a worldwide minimum order quantity (and multiples) that must be met for Harman Technology Ltd. to commit to manufacturing each roll type. Whilst unlikely, it is possible that manufacture of a particular roll type may not go ahead (order cost would be refunded). This would be known once all of the orders are received by Harman Technology Ltd. This is to do with the way the huge production rolls of film are cut down to finished sizes. Please see the Ilford consumer information (gallery and below) for their exact wording the specific conditions that relate to each film type.

Please send me a message if you have any questions.

*Please note that as the film is custom manufactured refunds will not be possible after I submit my order to Ilford on 5th June.

**Estimated September-December 2024.

Click here for FP4+ ULF | Click here for HP5+ ULF

For 4x5” and 8x10” Ilford films click here. For Ilford paper click here. For Ilford chemicals click here.

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